Rajeesh Ramachandran's profileRajeesh Ramachandran's profile


To be veiled or to be unveiled
To be covered or to be uncovered
To be objectified or to be protected
To be judged or to be oppressed
A piece of cloth stitched by society’s prejudice
A piece of cloth stripped for society’s pleasure
A piece of cloth dyed with conflict, weaponised for someone’s war
A piece of cloth deemed sacred or blasphemous, ever servicing the patriarchy
A piece of cloth alienating my identity, merged into riddles of isms

Where does it begin and where does it end?

To be mine and serve thy ‘self’
To be my expression and my freedom
To be my decision and mine alone to decipher
A piece of cloth servicing my whim and my fancy
A piece of cloth decorating my power and my vulnerability
A piece of cloth, a fabric to unlearn and uncolour
A piece of cloth bound by and beyond society’s boundaries
A piece of cloth unshackled by binaries and lets me be

Let’s start there, to be veiled or unveiled; I decide, I define my own meaning

Shot by @rajeesh_tk

Words by @prerna_robin

Outfit, makeup, in frame:- @zeeessshh
#mybodymychoice #DragArtist #Queerart #queermuslim #eid

